The Audience Award together with Jindřich Chalupecký Award has been granted since 2002. Audience chooses one of the finalists by voting via internet or directly at the venue of final exhibition. Previously, the Audience Award was granted to such artists as Anna Hulačová, Lukáš Karbus, Richard Loskot, Rafani, Alena Kotzmannová, Tomáš Moravec or Jakub Hošek. In December, in Brno, Jindřich Chalupecký Society in cooperation with TIC Galleries will introduce selection of artworks by the Audience Award winners from past years with short video-interviews about the meaning and value of this award.
The exhibition aims to go beyond the level of recapitulating the past and its main purpose is to actively address coming audience – with the aid of various strategies to achieve a state, where the viewer vividly becomes self-aware of their significant role as an agent in perceiving and creating the meaning of individual artworks and the exhibition as a whole.
Purpose of the project is to promote and draw the attention to opinions of broader spectrum of the (contemporary) art audience. Naturally, their evaluation of the art isn´t formed by same meters or requirements, as those of professional committee , which chooses the laureate of Jindřich Chalupecký Award, but if we don´t want the contemporary art to be trapped in the safety of an ivory tower, it is necessary to pay attention to broader audience – to go forth it, but not to underestimate it.

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