Knihkupectví ArtMap v Brně – na Radnické 4

Come and choose a book at the Brno branch of the ArtMap Bookshop, at Radnická 4, on the first floor of Galerie TIC.

You can find the online book selection at and our publications below.

Bookstore hours are the same as the galleries. 

Tue    11—19
Wed   11—19
Thu    11—19
Fri      11—19
Sat     14—19

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: or phone 702 152 298.

Křest Knihy: Kristina Láníková – Léčení

Křest Knihy: Kristina Láníková – Léčení
Středa 9. 4. / 17.00
@Knihkupectví ArtMap, Radnická 4

Kristina Láníková ve své umělecké dokumentaci výtvarně zpracovává zkušenost s dlouhodobým užíváním psychofarmak a jejich vysazením. Kniha obsahuje přípravné náčrty, fotografie objektů, cyklus rukopisných „omluv“ a asambláže. Jednotlivé série záměrně pracují s omezeným počtem motivů i použitých materiálů – kombinují obrysy náplastí či obalů od léků, odřezky kůže, otisky lékových blistrů, drobné zdravotnické a kancelářské potřeby, poznámkové lístky. Autorka metodicky sleduje téma, které bývá považováno za intimní, a dává mu úsporný, repetitivní, jakoby kódovaný výraz. Zranitelnost, k níž se vztahuje, tak vynáší z osobní sféry a představuje ji jako společné omezení. 

Křest knihy: Jozef Mrva ml. – Mraky / vrstvy / dimenze

Křest knihy: Jozef Mrva ml. – Mraky / vrstvy / dimenze 
Úterý 22. 4. / 18.00
@Knihkupectví ArtMap, Radnická 4

Kniha Mraky / vrstvy / dimenze Jozefa Mrvy ml. s texty Pala Fabuše, Lukáše Likavčana a Veroniky Sellner zkoumá uvažování o prostoru v současné filozofii, mediálních studiích a teorii umění, s cílem vyjasnit, jak ho vnímáme v 21. století. Analyzuje, jak abstraktní myšlení o prostoru ovlivňuje globalizaci, internet a ekologickou krizi, a jaké jsou jeho kořeny v současné filozofii a umění. 

The comeback of ArtMap Bookstore to Brno!


From 25 June 2024, the new Artmap Bookstore is officially open in the space of our Bookshop!

Some time ago, a small bookstore with a reading room was opened in Galerie TIC. Now our colleagues from ArtMap have taken care of the book selection, but don't worry!
All of our publications are still available for purchase, plus some books and magazines from our original curated selection as well.

Publication activity of Galerie TIC

The long-standing publication activity of Galerie mladých, that is Galerie TIC, was suspended at the end of the 1990s – due to the political intervention into the gallery’s operation – and it was Jiří Ptáček who contributed to its resumption with his work Blue Notebook, publication of which is related to his activity in Galerie mladých in 2011. The publication of Blue Notebook was made possible thanks to the Czech Ministry of Culture. In December 2012, another publication of a visiting curator of the gallery, Martin Mazanec – Fragile Cinema, was published with the support of the Ministry of Culture. In collaboration with Galerie TIC in 2013 five works were published: Markéta Magidová – Household Dictionary, Terexa Sochorová – Thinking to Myself, catalogue No Comment? Vol. 2, Patrick Sedlaczek – Vanity Club and catalogue Fragment and Totality. Image of Galerie TIC exhibition program 2013. In 2014 a work by Eva Jaroňová – Vermin was published and catalogue Survey. In 2015 we continued with publishing experimental works and alongside Kateřina Burgertová’s exhibition we published a collection of poems Part of the Text Is Missing and in December 2015, so far our largest bilingual publication by Martin Zet – Obituary Brno came out in two separate language versions. In 2016 Close Encounter by Jozef Mrva and Jakub Tajovský was published accompanying their exhibition and in 2017 publication Our Thing by Barbora Klímová and Ghost Theory by Jiří Havlíček. In 2018 we published a work about model and speculative tendencies in art by an artist and curator Katarína Hládková, Four Models. Editorial activity is an integral part of the gallery’s operation now and at the same time it is an important contribution not only to the documentation and promotion of the gallery’s and artists’ activity but also to the reflection on contemporary art. 


Kniha Ján od Milana Mazúra přibližuje zmizení ústřední postavy z několika různých perspektiv. Ján je reálná i imaginativní postava, jež se objevuje i v dalších autorových dílech. Na pozadí volných poetických asociací autor kombinuje fakty s fikcí a umožňuje čtenářům vytvářet další vlastní narativy. Publikace vyšla v Galerii TIC a je součástí stejnojmenné online výstavy v Galerii mladých.

Nakladatel Galerie TIC
Rok vydání 2021
Autor Milan Mazúr
ISBN 978-80-88313-15-1 
Jazyk slovensky
Počet stran 52
Grafika Jozef Ondrík (Deep Throat Studio) 
Cena 150Kč



A contemporary artist is looking for a murderer of an amateur writer. Dreams, hallucinations,
and fake visions. A speculative theory that considers film to be a drug.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2018
Author Jiří Havlíček
ISBN 978-80-907101-1-5
Language Czech
Number of pages 94
Graphics Anymade Studio
Price 165CZK



For Andreas Töpfer, drawing is a part of identity, memory, and a documentation of personal
history. Looking inside his archive we get a view into his mind with the opportunity to relive his
mental processes. For him, drawing is primarily a method and a metaphorical thinking
framework. This “solid ground under his feet” or “the backbone to his thinking” is a creative
source for all his projects directed toward an applied sphere: creating books, magazines, or
managing his own publishing house.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2018
Author Andreas Töpfer
ISBN 978-80-907345-0-0
Language Czech
Number of pages 48
Graphics Andreas Töpfer
Price 100CZK



This book reflects the history of the galleries currently managed by Turistické informační
centrum in Brno. It was created on the foundations of an exhibition project of the same name by

Barbora Klímová in 2009. The current publication, in addition, includes theoretical reflections
and personal memories.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2016
Author Zuzana Janečková, Barbora Klímová, Marika Kupková, Martin Mazanec, Jiří
Ptáček, Zuzana Révészová, Jan Wollner
ISBN 978-80-906035-3-0
Language Czech
Number of pages 196
Graphics Filip Cenek
Price 300CZK



The publication Four Models is focused on the application of the concept of model on the work
of selected authors of the Czech and Slovak artistic scene. It is a loose follow-up on the findings
made previously in academic investigations of this field. It suggests and presents a new
categorization of the concept of model as it distinguishes between a linear model, physical
model, cognitive model, and an immersive model. The linear model includes the thematization of
sketch and of so-called visual metaphors (graphs, diagrams, schemes, etc.) and it emerges as a
reaction to the information oversaturation and complicated networks. The physical model is a
form connected to the architectural and amateur modelling; it is distinguished by the simplistic
“sketch” structure reacting to social topics and individual and collective memory. The cognitive
model refers to the cognitive shift in society as it evaluates the materialization of the mental
space and defines the emancipated model as an open category. And finally, the immersive model
interprets the medium of an exhibition as a model form, which is articulated by the artistic
manifest or architectural intervention. Another kind of immersion, which is examined in the
chapter on immersive models, is a photographical and 3D computer illusion as a reaction to the
virtualization of society.

Publisher Galerie TIC, Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Year of publication 2016
Author Katarína Hládeková
ISBN 978-80-214-5435-4
Language Slovak
Number of pages 95
Graphics Radim Peško
Price 390CZK



The publication “Obituary – Brno” was published on the occasion of a stand-alone exhibition of
a Czech artist, Martin Zet, which took place at the end of 2005 in Galerie U Dobrého pastýře in
Brno (that is in Galerie TIC). It is an autonomous project which strives to build the “artist’s
posthumous legacy”, however, during his life and, in addition, done by himself personally. This
bold play with one’s own death contains retrospective and autobiographical aspects and
simultaneously a peculiar toponymy of the city of Brno, where the author currently lectures at
the Faculty of Fine Arts (Brno University of Technology). In other words, the author writes his
own obituary and what is more, its content relates to the city, where he has been staying
frequently for the past couple of years. These two distinctive perspectives allow us to gain a
surprisingly vivid and comprehensive view of the life and work of one of the distinguished
representatives of performance and post-conceptual art and at the same time to learn about the
unexpected possibilities of approach to the autobiographical genre.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2015
Author Zuzana Janečkova, Marika Kupková, Michal Murin, Jana Pisaříková, Mark
Shepard, Feyhan Hellum, Martin Zet
ISBN 978-80-906035-2-3
Language Czech
Number of pages 284
Graphics Palo Snoha
Price 490CZK



Part of the Text Is Missing is a book by Kateřina Burgertová published in collaboration with the
graphic studio on the occasion of the author’s exhibition of the same name in Galerie TIC
in Brno. Unclear, unfinished, and undefined along with missing parts is naturally what attracts
attention. Obscuring might incite thinking and searching; however, it is not always necessary to
try to rationally understand everything; on occasion, it might be even more beneficial to let
oneself be carried away by intuition and imagination. At one point, and surprisingly so, painting,
and largescale photography became entwined with drawing and poetry in Kateřina Burgertová’s

work. All share a richly intricate story which takes on a new dimension in a series of wall-
drawings, paper objects, and in a collection of poems with ballad aspects. The microcosm of this
extensive story, part of which is being revealed here, began to unfold during the author’s work
on her diploma thesis named “Enfant Sauvage” (Wild Child) at the Faculty of Fine Arts (Brno
University of Technology) in 2012. It continues on to this day and it will most surely continue to
progress. Even though it might often seem as if we are lost, it is necessary not to give up and
search for a way forward, to look at objects and their meanings as on open-ended clues, which
will carry us into a mysterious and ghostly realm… until suddenly the “whole universe
disappears without a trace in one shard”.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2015
Author Kateřina Burgetová
ISBN 978-80-906035-1-6
Language Czech
Number of pages 18
Price 109CZK



The catalogue Survey is the crowning publication of the exhibition and the side-events program
of Galerie TIC for 2014. It consists of two units: the first one presents exhibition projects of
curators and artists which took place in Galerie U Dobrého pastýře as thematically designed
exhibitions. The second brings a more general reflection of the social status of contemporary fine
artists. The first unit consists of texts of curators Zuzana Janečková and Klára Stolková and the
sociologist Filip Lachman which focus on selected socio-cultural tendencies of contemporary art.
The second aforementioned perspective subsists in an opinion survey of eighteen artists which
was undertaken by the sociologist Blahoslav Rozbořila with commentary by Jana Pisaříková and
Marika Kupková. Twenty poll questions were developed by Blahoslav Rozbořil tracking the
existential and societal conditions of contemporary artistic practice in the Czech Republic.
Artists’ responses testify to the position of artistic activity in comparison to non-artistic
(educational) activities; they give evidence of the societal position of the artist including activism
and associational activity; they assert the perception of the “unique” or suppressed authorship;
the reflection of meaning and societal value personal artistic work.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2014
Author Zuzana Janečková, Marika Kupková, Filip Lachmann, Jana Písaříková, Blahoslav
Rozbořil, Klára Stolková (Peloušková)
ISBN 978-80-906035-0-9
Language Czech
Number of pages 94
Price 120CZK



Markéta Magidová’s dictionary contains a characteristic vocabulary of one specific household.
The author’s selection criteria for expressions from the family jargon is that of the frequency of
their occurrence. Another distinctive factor which differentiates it from the classical dictionary
method is that each term is explained by its user. The author did not meddle with the
explanations and transcriptions are intentionally left unedited. All “household” expressions are
recorded in a written form corresponding with how they are used in the given family.

Publisher Galerie TIC, PositiF
Year of publication 2013
Author Markéta Magidová
ISBN 978-80-87407-06-6
Language Czech
Number of pages 126
Graphics Markéta Magidová
Price 40CZK (sold out)



The image of the exhibition program of the galleries managed by Galerie TIC for 2013
represents the yearbook of the galleries managed by Galerie TIC in the year 2013; it also strives
to present some of the characteristic approaches of local dramaturgic and curator activity, which
naturally correspond with the more general tendencies and strategies of the contemporary
exhibition practice. The catalogue of the exhibition program of the galleries managed by Galerie
TIC consists of texts by curators Marika Kupková and Zuzana Janečková and theoreticians
Václav Hájek, Václav Magida and Eva Filová and a photo-documentation related to the
individual exhibitions taking place in 2013.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2013
Author Marika Kupková, Zuzana Janečková, Václav Hájek, Václav Magid
ISBN 978-80-260-5534-1
Language Czech
Number of pages 250
Price 100CZK



This publication strives to map out a year of curator exhibition program named “Fragile
Cinema”, which took place in 2012 in Galerie mladých in Brno. The publication not only
contains the documentation of six exhibitions, which are the focus of the first chapter named
“Reconstruction of Fragile Cinema”, but also two other units, which expand upon the
possibilities of interpretation of the whole concept of “fragility” of the gallery’s cinemas using
the form of topic studies and interviews. The publication documents the year-round exhibition
project “Fragile Cinema” created by Martin Mazanec for Galerie mladých in 2012. It also
includes two other units, which expand upon the possibilities of interpretation of the whole
concept of “fragility” of the gallery’s cinemas: texts by Martin Mazanec and Volker Pantenburg,
interviews with Douglas Gordon and Martin Arnold.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication 2012
Author Vojtěch Fröhlich, Dominik Gajarský, Jiří Kotla, Vilém Novák, Lucia Sceranková
ISBN 987-80-87662-03-8
Language Czech
Number of pages 94
Graphics Anymade Studio
Price 230CZK



This visual and textual documentation of Tereza Sochorová’s artistic activity additionally
includes entries expanding upon the genre framework of the author’s catalogue. It is, for
example, a drawn comic about angels and writing by Jiří Havlíček, a text by Karel Císař about

Writer, another one by Lenka Vítková about poets, a fictional dialogue between Reader and
Writer by Jan Horák, poems by Patrik Hlavsa, Patrick Sedlaczek, etc.

Publisher Galerie TIC
Year of publication  
Language Czech
Number of pages  
Price 40 CZK (sold out)