Conveyor's scrolls

Galerie mladých 15 11 — 09 01
opening — 14 11 2020 17:30

The installation Conveyor´s scrolls is a joint work of artist Tomáš Kocka Juska (1994) and artist Alex Selmeci (1994). Both are graduates of the Contemporary Image Studio of the Faculty of Arts of the Technical University in Košice and since 2017 they have created several joint projects under the Edgar & Ota studio brand. 

Their installations of material objects and video essays often respond to a specific space. In the selected material, prefabricated elements and LDPE, critical attitudes are anchored in the topics of the environmental crisis or the relationship between human and non-human entities.
The presented project follows the series "Caretaker Institute", which deals with the care of the human by the objects and their non-standard relationships. 

The objects whose morphology remotely resembles used objects of an unspecified past are composed of contemporary materials. In the videos, we watch short shots from the past and vague scenes of the fictional future, and the entire installation creates an atmosphere of alternative presence and uncertainty.