I keep having the same dream:
... the gray shadow runs up and down the steep hillside, disappears on the ledge behind the large rocks and trees ... I hurry, but I can't catch it up, I speed up, call and shout, and suddenly I know that all my life is in this animal, all my destiny, all prosperity, that it is like the air to me, but without haste it keeps moving away from me, without care for anybody or anything, leaves forever, walks away from me, walks away ... she can lose all of us when I walked back down the trail worried, I heard the sound below, far below me, and thought she was calling me. I stopped. I went on, and then I heard it again: this time I couldn't be wrong, breathless and laughing, ears back and eyes lit up. She "showed us all love," then found the dropped deer antlers, laid down on the needles and played with it...