Only place, about which we can say with certainty, that there´s life, is the planet Earth. Smart cities may in the future float on the water and fly through the universe. The life has bounced into the ability of producing dynamic lift power at many occasions, but the wings stay still important. God´s Work is a metaphorical initiation of flight, in which you can experience this uplift and beauty of nature in its rawness. The ability to absorb it and inability to bring this experience to gallery space were the main impulse for creation of this large-scale project. The exhibition is a journey here. It is possible to see it also from Taoist point of view, where the journey itself becomes both goal and work. All the traditional principles of the gallery organisation are disrupted and revaluated. Accompanying programs of the exhibition, are an equivalent or even main part of the project.  “Journey” in the exhibition involves visits of artists, who work with and in the nature, and also of the artists, who only observe nature and install it in the aseptic gallery space, which has also transformed into one of many journeys. Contrast of the artificial and natural is what allures us. The inaccuracy of place, time and experience. The accuracy of the moment. The ability to perceive now and here, to share without words, to contextualise without manipulation. Nature is form of both body and spiritual cleansing. The project does not have ordinary curator, nor the architect, it is a live socio-system, which acts on both layers – the exhibition as an experience superior to the anesthetisation of nature against the nature as a product of art and discourse.
Similar program can be found on gallery website and Facebook profile.

Nina Grúňová studuje na Fakultě výtvarných umění v Brně v ateliéru Malba 2. Její instalace, které dominuje technika „volné“ koláže zpracovává téma závazků. Představme si situaci, že jde někdo po ulici a kope před sebou víčko od piva. Na konci cesty je před ním rozhodnutí, co s tím víčkem bude dál. Dalo by říct, že když jste si s víčkem tak dlouho kopali, tak už patří vám a jste tedy zodpovědní za to, aby se neválelo na zemi. Když se ocitneme na výstavě současného umění a vůbec tomu nerozumíme, máme provinilý pocit, když o tom nepřemýšlíme, očekává se od nás totiž, že tomu porozumíme. Některé závazky jsou ve vzduchu a očekává se, že je rozpoznáme a správně na ně zareagujeme.