Ritual Invest A.S. IČO: R2I0T1U7S

Galerie Kontext 20 09 — 28 10
opening — 19 9 2017

Radim Scholaster and Pavel Šuráň are curators of the Olomouc exhibition hall of contemporary funerary art HROB (*2015). In their gallery project, they work with the expressive means of ritual. They use it to set up a pleasant climate or natural environment for the consumption of spiritual artwork praised and viewed with the principle of friendliness so that the passionate artist feels satisfied when presenting their installation. The curators use flashy acronyms and a Labachian-comics conception of history (or historical utopia) in inventing or carrying out rituals. In doing so, they feel themselves to be a company producing turn-key rituals, exerting their ritual lobby on collaborators, extras, and audience alike. For the exhibition at Galerie TIC, they are preparing an installation with a study of ritual as a clash of different ideological backgrounds.

Radim Scholaster (*1988, Fulnek) dug up the monument of Emperor Rudolf II when he was a child. He has been a photographer since high school. His most important collection of photographs, entitled Jsou věci stále věcmi, i když u toho nejsme? (Are things still things even when we are not there?) he exhibited in Café Amadeus in Olomouc. He no longer owns a camera, so he has been working on collages for the last three years. He regularly organizes Sudeten German parties in the cult pub Ponorka in Olomouc. In his spare time, he designs memorials and does sepulchral art. He finances his interests with earnings from the Casino. He is a Catholic.

Pavel Šuráň (*1987, Slavičín) has suffered from synesthesia from an early age, which prevents him from concentrating on specific activities, but he manages to justify this with his well-developed rhetorical skills. Professionally, he is interested in the philosophy of science and the problem of distributed cognition and works at Casino. In his spare time, he works on art theory from a neo-Darwinian perspective and on miniature painting. In addition to HROB, he is a co-curator of the Olomouc independent galleries Horká, Hidden Gallery and Galerie XY. He is an atheist.