Always Avoid Discussions, Never Discuss

Galerie U Dobrého pastýře 09 04 — 05 07
Opening — 8 4 2025
What do performance art and graphic design have in common? For example, the testing of communication—finding ways to overcome cultural and social barriers, to persuade and surprise. The exhibition Always Avoid Discussions, Never Discuss by the collective The Rodina, consisting of Tereza Rullerová and Vít Ruller, focuses on the intersections between artistic approaches and graphic design, specifically through the concept of performative design. This approach transcends the traditional boundaries of applied art and design as technical disciplines, opening up space for dynamic, time-bound communication with the audience.

Performative design is rooted in immediate experience, interaction, and emotional engagement, transforming conventional ideas about the role of graphic design in artistic practice.

The exhibition aims to legitimize these experimental approaches and present them as distinct artistic genres that reflect contemporary tendencies and issues in visual culture. Positioned between communication design and action art, the exhibition challenges the binary divide between artistic autonomy and functionality, reshaping existing structures in both the visual and social spheres.

The central theme of the exhibition is conversation—not only as a subject of exploration but as the very means of expression. The installation will create a space for genuine dialogue, moving away from the competitive nature of debate as described by philosopher Gilles Deleuze. While debate may be seen as a “waste of time,” conversation carries the potential for transformation, which the exhibition seeks to explore and encourage.

The performative installation will be facilitated by Tereza Rullerová, who will actively engage the audience and shape an environment where real dialogue can take place.

This exhibition aspires to become a playground for sharing and transformation, stimulating reflection on the new possibilities of communication design as a tool for social emancipation and artistic innovation. Following last year’s exhibition by micro-influencer and TikTok star Jakub Polách, Žijeme ve společnosti (We Live in Society), this is another example of an exhibition collaboration with figures from the graphic design field, reinforcing the futility of the essentialist divide between applied and fine arts.