Residence TIC

The residency project for international artists in the Brno-North district was established to provide a space for creativity, reflection, and interaction between contemporary artists and the local community and environment. We welcome artists-in-residence who work primarily in the visual arts but are also interested in interdisciplinary approaches, exploring areas like moving image, performance, literature, and audio, and conceptualising the visual arts in an intermedia context. We value diversity and inclusion, inviting artists from various cultural and geographical backgrounds to participate. During the 2-3 week residency, artists will be provided with a residential apartment and a dedicated space to showcase their work. In addition, we will facilitate opportunities for them to connect and collaborate with local colleagues, communities, and institutions in Brno. Our aim is to create an environment where artists can fully immerse themselves in their creative process while drawing inspiration from the local culture and community. The residency will culminate in a public performance and presentation of the artist's work to college or high school students with an art focus.

The working title of the Shepherd Residence is derived from the historical name of the building at Radnická 4, which houses Galerie TIC (U Dobrého pastýře). This project received support through a National Recovery Plan grant in 2024. Symbolically, a shepherd represents someone who cares for others, mirroring the nurturing role that residencies play in supporting their residents and participants. Artists in residence are accommodated at Hvězdová 6, in an apartment provided by the Brno-North district.

Rezidents 2024

Yeonwoo Chang
19. 6. - 3. 7. 2024  

Szaber collective
September 2024 
Exhibition opening 2. 10. 2024

Dominika Sobolewska a Michalina Kostecka
October 2024 
Imreh Sándor 
November 2024



