It seems, that fundamental characteristic of reality is to check us from time to time and to change the way of play. Disruption of the present way of play is given both by technological changes of the social interaction platform and medial intense external forces. We may call it “technorealism”. Current informational and technological acceleration of society makes not only new identity, but also stability necessary. Moments of disorientation, where senses and pursuit of meaning run at higher speed and backup engines are turned on, open new chapters of our life. Disorientation may serve as an exceptional opportunity to make clear own position within the societal structures and its relation to the world.
That said, as a recourse for regaining the orientation. The “perplex” state is then not a failure, but an impulse for an upgrade, or update at least Jiří Suchánek ́s exhibition will introduce you a set of objects or systems working with themes of disrupted stability, sensory overload and complicated spatial orientation. Disorientation here is caused by a blast of visual and physical impulses, as well as loss of stability created by dissolution or deformation of the platform used by people to automatically and safely move on. Objects are in cooperation with synthesis of light, sound and movement. Those are mostly electronically controlled systems, which change in time within set limits of given constructions, code and used technology.
They don ́t have one common control centre, they are autonomous and all sound harmonies and interplay of colours are outcomes of their asynchronous mode. The author consistently examines music and sound expansion into other (visual) medias. He searches for ways of complex multimedia composition including both strong audio element, light, colour and space, and DIY technological media, which he sees rather as a visual object and not piece of technology, which is hidden or sidetracked.